How Do You Know if Philips Trimmer Is Fully Charged?

Philips recently launched seven new trimmers in the Indian market. One of those trimmers was the Philips BT3221/xv. Hither, nosotros volition do a full review of the Philips DuraPower BT3221, including its features, pros, cons, and also compare information technology with similar trimmers.

What's in the box of the Philips BT3221/fifteen

Inside the box of the Philips BT3221, you will find just a few things. The first matter is the trimmer itself, the blades of which are protected by a plastic wrap. Manifestly, y'all'll demand to remove the wrap earlier y'all can beginning using the trimmer. The 2d thing is the charger. Information technology'southward a standard 2-pivot charger with universal compatibility. That means it supports a voltage range of 100-240V. That means that you can accept this trimmer abroad and still charge it with the same charger.Philips-BT3221-box-philips-bt3221-review

Next, you'll find the comb that will have to be attached to the top of the trimmer to use it effectively. You will as well find a small-scale cleaning brush inside which will help you clean out trimmed hair from the head easily.

The terminal thing that you volition observe inside is a travel pouch in which you can store the pouch and take it with y'all. Nonetheless, the pouch is flimsy and of poor quality. We would recommend finding an alternative travel bag to acquit the BT3221 with you. You volition also find some paperwork and a user manual inside—but hardly anyone ever uses or reads it.

In brusque, here are the things that you'll notice within the box of the Philips BT32221 Beard Trimmer:

  • The trimmer
  • Universal charger
  • Trimmer Comb
  • Cleaning Brush
  • Travel Pouch
  • User manual and other paperwork

Philips DuraPower BT3221 Features Complete List

There are enough of features in the Philips BT3221 which make information technology a very bonny trimmer for everyday employ. The commencement of import characteristic to talk over is Durapower Technology. It's a fancy way of proverb that Philips has included a battery that non but charges apace but besides lasts longer. It'south similar to the fast-charging engineering that we find in modern smartphones.

And the battery life is actually pretty good. The Philips BT3221's bombardment charges up completely in simply 1 hour and lasts shut to 90 minutes on a single charge. That is one of the best battery performance on any trimmer that we've ever seen.

The 2nd feature is the trimming range. The Philips BT3221 has 20 lock-in settings which first at a minimum of 0.5mm and go upto 10mm with a 0.5mm jump or

The blades on DuraPower 3221/15 are stainless steel based and accept a titanium coating on height—which makes them stiff and corrosion-resistant. The twin-blades are designed in a mode that the blades acuminate each other while the trimmer is being used. That results in an elongated blade life that lasts many years.

Similar to other trimmers, the BT3221 also features a zoom cycle for choosing your look. There are a total of 20 settings available which start at 0.5mm and become up to 10mm, each with a 0.5mm jump. You can too remove the shaving comb and use the trimmer directly on your face for a much cleaner look. Although, you volition not go a make clean shave to look as you would become with a proper shave.

Autonomously from the extended battery life, all these features are present in enough of other trimmers. Let's talk about some of the features that are exclusive to the new 3000 series trimmers, specifically the Philips BT3221.

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The first affair to know is the new elevator and trim system. The new shape of the blades and rummage are designed in a mode such that the hair is lifted and fed to the bract. This results in faster cut, and Philips claims that the BT32221 cuts facial hair 30% faster. Many people as well reported that they get cleaner shaves and don't take to struggle or move the trimmer multiple times on an area to get a skilful trim. lift-and-trim-system-philips-bt3221-review

The second matter exclusive to the new 3000 series trimmers is the corded and cordless operation. Older Philips trimmers were recommended to exist used merely cordlessly, not while charging, although some users still used it while charging. The new 3000 series trimmers, including the BT3221, have gotten rid of the trouble altogether. Now yous can use the BT3221 while it's being charged—which makes information technology very convenient to use.

The last important thing on the Philips BT3221 is the new battery indicator. Older trimmers only gave a battery indication when they were being charged. Yous couldn't know when the battery was really low. It was quite a bummer, and many people constantly complained about it. Finally, Philips listened and included a decent battery indicator which indicates you lot when the battery is low, being charged, or is fully charged.

Here is how the battery notifications work.

  • Battery Low: The notification calorie-free will turn orange
  • During charging: The notification low-cal volition blink dark-green
  • Fully charged: The notification light will remain steady green

Please notation that the full-battery light turns itself off in near 30 minutes. If you accidentally left your BT3221 on charging and return to see the light turned off, that means the trimmer is fully charged.


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Hither is the complete list of features of the Philips DuraPower BT3221 at a glance.

  • Durapower applied science for longer battery life
  • 90 min usage with 60 minute charging
  • 20 lock in settings
  • New battery indication system

  • 0.5mm to 10mm trimming range
  • 0.5mm precision
  • New lift and trim system for 30% faster trims
  • Skin friendly blades

  • Corded and Cordless functioning
  • 2+ane year worldwide warranty
  • Costless carry pouch included

Philips BT3221 Pros and Cons


  • Great value for money
  • Excellent bombardment life


  • Included travel pouch is of poor quality
  • Build Quality is average

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Philips BT3221 vs Philips QT4011

Many people accept this question nearly the differences between the Philips BT3221 and the Philips QT4011. To be honest, in that location are only small differences between the trimmers. Here they are.

BT3221 vs QT4011 difference

Lift and Trim Organization – thirty% Faster trimming

  • Philips BT3221 – Yes
  • Philips QT4011 – No

Durapower Technology

  • Philips BT3221 – Aye
  • Philips QT4011 – No

This needs some description. Although both the QT4011 and the BT3221 employ a Ni-MH battery with the same capacity, the Durapower applied science ensures that the BT3221 holds its battery chapters for a longer period.

Using While Charging

  • Philips BT3221 – Aye
  • Philips QT4011 – No

The Philips BT3221 can exist used while charging, while the Philips QT4011 cannot.

Important Note: On Amazon and other shopping websites information technology is mentioned that the QT4011 tin also be used while charging, however, at that place is a major difference. If you utilize the QT4011 while charging, its charging stops automatically. This does not happen with the BT3211.

Bombardment Charging Indicator

  • Philips BT3221 – Battery Empty, Bombardment low, charging, fully charged
  • Philips QT4011 – Battery low, charging, fully charged

This is an important difference. The QT4011 just showed you an indication when the battery was being charged, while on the BT3221, y'all can see when the battery is depression, is being charged, or is fully charged.

Balance all the features of the Philips QT4011 are the same equally the Philips BT3221. Nosotros have omitted the obvious design and cosmetic differences every bit they are obvious.

Is the Philips BT3221 better than the Philips QT4011?

Brusk respond, Yes. The BT3221 is superior to the QT4011 because of all the reasons nosotros mentioned above. Considering that the price of both the trimmers is the same, we would recommend that you purchase the Philips BT3221 if you were previously considering the QT4011.

Verdict – Should you buy the Philips BT3221?

Absolutely. The Philips QT4011 is an excellent trimmer and the BT3221 has built on top of information technology to be even better at many things at the aforementioned price. Co-ordinate to use, the Philips QT3221 gets a total five stars and y'all should definitely purchase it.

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Often Asked Questions about the Philips BT3221/15

Can y'all trim your beard with the Philips BT3221 when information technology is wet?

No. Any Philips trimmer, or whatsoever other trimmer for that matter, including the Philips BT3221 should not be used when your beard is moisture. It may cause the machine to malfunction and may result in injury.

Is the Philips BT3221 waterproof?

No. The Philips BT3221 is not waterproof. However, yous tin can disassemble the head and so wash it with running water to clean it. But, brand sure that the head is completely dry out before putting it back in the trimmer.

How much warranty does the Philips BT3221 take?

The Philips BT3221 bristles trimmer has a 3-year worldwide warranty. You get a ii-year warranty when y'all purchase the trimmer and then get an additional twelvemonth of warranty when you annals your product.

Volition I need AA or AAA batteries for this trimmer?

You need none. The Philips BT3221 has a congenital-in rechargeable battery which you can charge with the charger provided.

How to register your BT3221 for additional warranty?

Visit this link, which will take you to the Philips website. Create an business relationship, if you already don't accept ane. Later creating an account, enter your serial number in the mentioned field. You will then get an e-mail with the extended warranty certification.

Alternatives to the Philips BT3221

Although the Philips BT3221 is an excellent value for coin, some of you guys might want alternatives. Here are some nifty alternatives.

Philips BT3211

This is another splendid trimmer which is cheaper than the BT3221. The just difference is that the BT3211 has a 60 min usage fourth dimension on ten-hour accuse, and information technology has stainless steel blades.

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Philips BT3215

If y'all'd like to relieve a couple of hundred bucks then you can besides try Philips BT3215. The but difference betwixt the BT3221 and the BT3215 is that the BT3215 has a usage fourth dimension of 60 minutes while the BT3221 has a usage time of 90 minutes.

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Philips BT3227

The BT3227 is well-nigh identical to the BT3211 except that it is a full metal-based trimmer. That means the build quality of the BT3227 would be better than the BT3221. Because of the metal used, the BT3227 is besides a couple of hundred rupees more than expensive than the BT3221.

Sadly, it'south non bachelor online and is found at offline retailers merely. If you encounter it being sold online, exercise permit us know so we tin update this article.


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